Holiday Party Hosts Could Be Serving Up Lawsuits

Photo of holiday partyWho is liable if a holiday party guest gets food poisoning or drives home drunk?

As millions of Americans host and attend holiday parties across the street and across the country, many may be unaware of the risks they may be taking. Party hosts need to understand their responsibilities when inviting people into their homes and serving food and drinks.

If a guest or third party is injured in an accident that is related to alcohol consumption and the drinking can be linked to you, you could be held responsible for the payment of medical bills, vehicle repair costs, lost time from work and — in the worst case — claims for wrongful death resulting in huge monetary settlements.

Our partners at Trusted Choice have put together tips and ideas to help you reduce your risks as a host so that you can truly enjoy the holidays with loved ones, friends, employees and customers. Get the full list now >>

A key tip: Watch what you eat and feed others. Even if food was prepared outside your home by a caterer, another guest, a local deli or the neighborhood pizza joint, you could be held liable if someone becomes ill from consuming it on your property. Make sure that you check food and don’t put anything out that you suspect may be undercooked, spoiled or contaminated. Use only reputable food purveyors. Follow proper food handling, heating/cooling and storage recommendations. When in doubt, throw it out.

Talk With Us Today About Protecting Yourself, Your Family, Your Business >>

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